Experts Directory
Fisher faculty and staff lend their expertise to current affairs issues and pop culture topics.
If you’re a member of the press interested in interviewing a Fisher faculty or staff member, contact Melissa Greco Lopes, assistant director of marketing and communications, at or (585) 385-8190.
Arts and Entertainment
- Libraries
- Information literacy
- Copyright leadership
- History of American photography
- Rhetoric of American exceptionalism
- American culture
- Social media
- Online identity
- Memes and viral videos
- New media economics
- Design and usability (including mobile apps)
- Children and online communities
- Autism in the media
- Prime-time television
- Broadcast/cable/internet television programming
- Post-9/11 television
- Popular film and television
- Sports and television
- Video production
- Groups and teams
- Work motivation
- Social behavior
- Applied research methods (employee surveys)
- Strategy
- Corporate governance
- Executive compensation
- Boards
- Activist shareholders
- Decision-making
- Negotiations
- Accounting
- Business valuation
- Business succession planning
- Estate planning and estate taxes
- Financial statement fraud and financial scams
- Equity markets and stock valuation
- Stock options
- Buy-sell agreement
- Marketing
- Branding
- Social media marketing
- Technology management
- Product innovation
- Strategic marketing
- Strategy implementation
- Professional development
- Teacher certification exams
- Information literacy
- Student engagement in learning
- Classroom management
- Diversity in education
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmaceutical dosage forms
- Sexual behaviors
- Domestic violence perpetrators
- Human sexuality
- Assessment/evaluation/treatment of sexual offenders
- Vaccines
- Fish oil supplements
- Patient safety
- Nursing education
- Nursing professional development
- Online distance learning
- Educational technology
- Program/project management
- Professional communication
Higher Education
- Libraries
- Information literacy
- Copyright
- Leadership
- Enrollment management
- Admissions
- Financial aid
- Intercollegiate athletics
- Admissions
- College search
- Financial aid
- Freshman student transition
- Intercollegiate athletics
Life and Culture
- Globalization
- Corporate crime
- Race relations
- Poverty
- Social and economic inequality
- U.S. union movement
- Social research methods
- Social theory
- History of American photography
- Rhetoric of American exceptionalism
- American culture
- Social media
- Online identity
- Memes and viral videos
- New media economics
- Design and usability (including mobile apps)
- Children and online communities
- Autism in the media
- Prime-time television
- Broadcast/cable/internet television programming
- Post-9/11 television
- Popular film and television
- Sports and television
- Video production
- Rochester history
- New York State history
- Museums
- Historical societies
- Politics in Europe
- Far-right and neo-Nazi movements and parties
- History of American photography
- Rhetoric of American exceptionalism
- American culture
- Animal behavior
- Animal anatomy and physiology
- Human anatomy and physiology
- Zoology
- Birds (penguins, songbirds, flamingoes, raptors, and nocturnal birds)
- Conservation
- Immunology
- Infectious disease
- Nanotechnology
- Bioethics
- Microfluidics
- Organizational behavior of sport organizations
- College athletics
- Coaches’ organizational commitment
- Immunology
- Infectious disease
- Nanotechnology
- Bioethics
- Microfluidics
- Social media
- Online identity
- Memes and viral videos
- New media economics
- Design and usability (including mobile apps)
- Children and online communities
- Autism in the media